Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Modern Hero Of Beowulf - 1050 Words

Aaron Payne Mr. Walter English IV September 28 The Modern Hero â€Å"The art of leadership†¦ consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention† (Adolf Hitler). Although Adolf Hitler may have been one of the worst men in history, he had a similar rise to power as the Geatish warrior Beowulf did. He gained his leadership by showing up to Germany in their time of need and telling them that he can fix their economic depression after WWII. Throughout the epic poem, Beowulf demonstrates a leadership style that is very effective; however, it has failed many leaders and their cultures in the past, and it is often carried on today. This also ties into Beowulf’s hero model, which shows us how drastically the idea of heros have changed throughout history. Beowulf’s charismatic leadership style is adequate for him to achieve the role he deserves over the Danes, although it comes along with several drawbacks. Beowulf comes to power by being a courageous figure that comes to help the Danes in their time of need. He often brags about his courageous acts to show his greatness, we see this when he is confronted by Unferth, The fact is, Unferth, if you were truly as keen and courageous as you claim to be Grendel would never have got away with such unchecked atrocity, attacks on your king, havoc in Heorot and horrors everywhere (590-594). After defeating Grendel, the Danes look to him as their invincible heroShow MoreRelatedBeowulf As A Modern Hero Essay794 Words   |  4 Pagesand bravery are withâ€Å"Whether ancient or modern, the distinctive characteristic of the heroic figure†¦ ‘Is willing to risk death.’† ( Heroes are willing to face the fear of constant violent death and embrace fate to have inner peace or exceptional value within themselves. The model hero in ancient times was the type to kill and conquer just to be remembered whereas today, things have shimmered down. Beowulf’s effectiveness as a modern-day hero has taught us something that will stickRead MoreModern Definition Of Hero In Beowulf714 Words   |  3 PagesAccording to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the modern definition of â€Å"hero† is â€Å"a person admired for achievements and noble qualities† or â€Å"one who shows great courage.† Over centuries peoples views of what they consider a hero has transformed. Alfred de Vigny’s claim that â€Å"there are no heroes and no monsters in this world† makes it clear that he defines â€Å"hero† in a different way. Despite de Vigny’s claim that there are no heroes or monsters today, I believe there are, due to the selfless acts madeRead MoreDefinition Of A Modern Hero In Beowulf744 Words   |  3 Pagest heir definition of a hero the same as our own? A good example of an Anglo-Saxon hero is Beowulf, he travelled to Denmark with a group of warriors to fight a monster named Grendel that was terrorizing a city, he also killed Grendel’s mother and a dragon to save the people in the city. He may seem like a modern hero, he’s saving the people in danger, he shows leadership, and has the bravery to do so, but there are distinct differences between the Anglo-Saxon hero and a modern hero and those differencesRead MoreBeowulf : A Modern Epic Hero1595 Words   |  7 Pagesabilities of gods’. In the story of Beowulf, readers get to see a young audacious hero show the abilities of loyalty, wisdom, and physical strength. As I read the story, I saw that Beowulf matures into a man who doesn’t simply upkeep about individual magnificence and integrity but cares about his society as a leader. Beowulf is compared to a modern epic hero because he is fighting for a good caus e, rewarded for doing the right thing, and is respectfully treated as a hero. The importance of the poemRead MoreBeowulf Comparison to Modern Day Hero2195 Words   |  9 PagesFrom Beowulf to Superman, Why we need our Heroes Heroes, from Beowulf to Superman our cultures have always created heroes. We may always have political, social, economic and religious differences, but at the end of the day we all have one thing in common, heroes. They help define who we are and what we want to be. They give us hope and inspire us to head in the right direction. They show us that good will always triumph over evil and that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. HeroesRead MoreThe Four Characters Of Beowulf And Modern Day Heros738 Words   |  3 Pagesheroesheros. Some heroes Heros take the direct approach and overcome obstacles with raw power and strength, both physical and moral. Others use their intelligence along with trickery and ruthlessness. It is hard for a hero to take a more direct approach than Beowulf. For example, he rips Grendel’s arm right out of its socket! He also shows moral strength by being champion of the values of his society. There are also some other things that can dif ferentiate two types heros. The first the type thatRead MoreEssay about Beowulf and Modern Day Hero670 Words   |  3 Pagescomparison between Beowulf and the modern day hero. All soldiers that are fighting for my country certainly comes to mind first, when I think about a modern day hero. Both hero’s are fighting for a good cause, get rewarded for what they do, and get treated with much respect. Although a soldier might not withhold unworldly strength as one such as Beowulf, they both are putting their life at stake, which gives them both the title as being a hero. Both the U.S soldier and Beowulf portray characteristicsRead MoreModern Hero vs. Anglo Saxon Hero Essay814 Words   |  4 PagesTodays modern day hero has similarities and differences than the Anglo-Saxon hero. The two heroes each have different values they believe in. Also, they are motivated to fight for different reasons. An Anglo-Saxon hero also fights differently than a modern day hero. An example of this comparison is Bono from the band U2 and Beowulf. Both modern day heroes, like Bono and Anglo-Saxon heroes, like Beowulf, try to improve their societies, but do it in different ways and for different reasons. Anglo-SaxonRead MoreEssay Beowulf and Batman622 Words   |  3 PagesThere are many similarities between Batman- a modern day hero making use of his intellect, modern technology, and detective skills on crime and warfare and the classic hero, Beowulf- who travels great distances to prove his strength against his enemies, even at impossible odds. For example, the simplest being that they are both heroes working towards the common good, saving others without twice thinking of their own safety. However there are also many differences: obvious ones such as the fact theyRead MoreBeowulf : Characteristics Of An Epic Hero978 Words   |  4 Pages2Y English 12 20/11/17 Beowulf: Characteristics of an Epic Hero In Anglo-Saxon literature and culture, to be considered a hero was to also be considered a warrior/ soldier. To be a hero, you had to not only be strong but you also had to be smart, and have plenty of courage. These warriors were willing to face any type of trials and tribulations at any odd. These types of heroic warriors would fight to the death to obtain glory and save their people. The Anglo-Saxon hero needed to possess all of

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Is It A Critical Period For Sla - 1288 Words

3) CPH for SLA. 3.1) Is there a critical period for SLA? Since L1 acquisition is almost uniformly successful across languages, countries, and cultures, CPH research is primarily concerned with maturational constraints affecting acquisition of L2 rather than the acquisition of our mother tongue. The existence of a critical period for SLA is all the more disputed for several reasons. Most notably, adults as well as children, who have already acquired an L1, logically differ more markedly in learner history and profile between each other than infants do, which makes pooling data an extremely challenging endeavour. Also, learning outcomes (ultimate attainment) vary not only as a function of age but between different same-aged individuals.†¦show more content†¦DeKeyser (2000), and Hyltenstam and Abrahamsson (2003) belong to proponents of such a way of looking at critical periods. DeKeyser (2000) in particular argues in defence of a critical period in its strictest sense: As long as L2 competence is assessed without regard for the learning mechanisms that produced it, it may appear that there is merely an optimal age for language learning, in the sense that there is a sizeable negative correlation between age of acquisition and ultimate attainment. If the Critical Period Hypothesis is constrained, however, to implicit learning mechanisms, then it appears that there is a sizeable negative correlation: Early age confers an absolute, not a statistical, advantage— that is, there may very well be no exceptions to the age effect. Somewhere between the ages of 6-7 and 16-17, everybody loses the mental equipment required for the implicit induction of the abstract patterns underlying a human language, and the critical period really deserves its name. (p. 518) This defence of the CP is in accord with Hylstenstam and Abrahamsson s (2003) view that critical or sensitive periods are indeed real, and that there is a biologically determined impossibility to continue using, after a certain age, the acquisition mechanisms involved in first language acquisition, even though the exact nature of this biological constraint is not well-understood, as they admit. This viewShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Critical Perido Hypothesis2439 Words   |  10 PagesThe critical period hypothesis has been a long-standing topic of debate in first and second language acquisition. There are many studies that focus on the effects of age on the attainment of a second language. The Critical Period Hypothesis theorizes, at its most basic level, that younger learners are more successful than older learners in language learning. It also theorizes that language learning is difficult after puberty. Thus, a critical period or age limit exist in language learning. ItRea d MoreThe Influence of Age Factors on Second Language Acquisition2762 Words   |  12 PagesLanguage Acquisition Xu Bailin Abstract: In second language acquisition, age factors has always been the study focus and one of the most controversial issues of linguistics. Based on the Brain Plasticity Theory and the Critical Period Hypothesis, the purpose is to prove such a hypothesis that the younger the leaner who begins to learn an second language,the greater the probability that he or she will achieve a native-like command of it. ï ¼Ë†Ã¨ ® ¸Ã¦Å¸ Ã§  ³ 110502112753ï ¼â€° Read MoreThe Age Factor in Second Language Acquisition3030 Words   |  13 PagesFactor in Second Language Acquisition Introduction There are many factors that affect second language acquisition (SLA). For example, SLA is affected by the role of the mother tongue, the role of gender differences, the role of personal differences and the role of age differences. The role of age differences is one of the most important factors that affect SLA. It is often claimed that children learn faster than adults. The younger the learner of a foreign language, the more effectiveRead MoreUnderstanding Grammatical Language Skills : Universal Grammar1377 Words   |  6 Pagesthe resulting data grammar (White 2005). However, there has been much debate whether UG is accessible to learners of a second language. This paper will provide insight into the multiple perspectives on the role of UG in second language acquisition (SLA) by examining the results of various studies concerned with the differences between native and non-native cognitive linguistic skills. This paper will touch upon three possible answers: full access, partial access, or no access (the Fundamental DifferenceRead MoreEnglish Language And Foreign Language Essay1329 Words   |  6 Pagesprobably, doing so in a non-native environment, such as the classroom. Although a foreign language learnt and taught is also oftentimes referred to as a second language, the process of dealing with this language is known as second language acquisition (SLA). Linguistic purists, however, draw a line between second language and foreign language, the first one signaling that the learner lives in the environment where the language in question is spoken as the native one (Moeller Catalano, 2015, p. 327)Read MoreSecond Language Acquisition ( Sla )2101 Words   |  9 Pages Second language acquisition (SLA) has long been a topic of interest for many researchers such as linguists, psychologists, and educators. Through the study of SLA, researchers may better understand the basic properties of languages, how languages are processed in the brain, and how t o facilitate the acquisition of a second language. A common topic of inquiry among SLA researchers is why some people seem to learn new languages with ease while others do not. This question is especially importantRead MoreThe Alcan Case Study1642 Words   |  7 PagesAnalysis Executive Summary One of the most critical success factors for Alcan, the global leader in discrete and process metal production, selling and service-related businesses, is their supply chain. Sourcing the right materials, from approved suppliers, at the most economical price and having them delivered at the right time is a continual challenge for Alcan and members of the industry it participates in. Bauxite is one of the most critical raw materials there are to the production processRead MoreEssay on Age and Second Language Acquisition1486 Words   |  6 PagesRoberts first introduced the idea that there is a â€Å"critical period† for learning language in 1959. This critical period is a biologically determined period referring to a period of time when learning/acquiring a language is relatively easy and typically meets with a high degree of success. German linguist Eric Lenneberg further highlights Roberts and Penfield’s findings and postulated the Critical Period Hypothesis in 1967. According to the Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH), certain biological events relatedRead MoreExecutive Summary for Business Continuity Disaster Recovery Report1439 Words   |  6 PagesDisaster Recovery Report Phase 1 This is the Business Continuity plan for recovery of Software Solution critical business. It is intended to be a introduction guide for use in activating recovery policy to ensure that business interruptions are as soon as possible and is within an economical range of financial considerations. Our company should know in advance, what of their tasks are critical, how supports then ability to survive a disruption to regular business operations by maintaining a continuousRead MoreArtifical Intelligence Research1089 Words   |  4 Pagesirregularities of components. Scholars did not reach an end for language its, there is no conclusive definition for language, Which could show us that we do not know language fully or even near fully. Hatch is saying why do not we try to put all SLA theories on transparencies and place them over each other over overhead projector and try to consistency among them. She suggesting that we should into language through its different angels instead of focusing on each angle alone. Focusing on grammar

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Technology Incorporation in Hospitality Industry - MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Technology Incorporation in Hospitality Industry. Answer: Introduction The continuous development of information technology has made it mandatory for all organizations to incorporate it into their operations. It is because all processes involving the management of organizations need the application of information system to ensure fast and reliable execution. Monet is an organization which is operating in the hospitality industry offering holiday resorts. The company is formed after merging of five-holiday resorts who need to bring their effort together to ensure that they increase their services and meet the customer's expectations. Currently, the firm incorporates a broad range of living quarters consisting of final paper, bed, and breakfast with luxurious suites in almost all parts of Australia. To ensure the company attracts customers from all corners of the world, the firm should incorporate information systems and information technology in its operations. Today, the globe has adopted a digital plan in the sector of business, and the Monet organization should not be exceptional. There is an urgent need to develop a company website to ensure the services are available online and customers can access them irrespective of their locations. The website has services of bookings and travel amongst many others. The company also company also aims at developing a complementary mobile application which should be linked directly to the website to ensure similarity in activity flow of the organization. The mobile application should cater for the prices of the services offered and their prices which should vary dynamically based on demand and seasonal factors. The system of the management builds on an integrated ERP solution and Web 4.0 level ultra-intelligent electronic portal. This paper, therefore, highlights on main issues to be incorporated in the process of implementing the idea. The paper outlines the assumptions to be made in the process of implementation as well. In a detailed manner, the difference between the information systems (IS) and the information technology (IT) and how it affects customer's choice, continued patronage and brand loyalty are highlighted. The report explains the mechanisms which the firm can apply to attract new customers from competitors and identify business opportunities towards the positive progress of the Monet organization. Throughout the paper, ideas are displayed together with their implementation mechanisms to show how the Monte organization which achieve its objectives and keep insist on positive performance in future. Assumptions of the report All stakeholders of the Monet organization will play their respective roles towards the implementation of the ideas. Information technology experts will be acquired by the organization to ensure that all IT issues are addressed accordingly and at early stages. Proper installation and maintenance of the IT systems will be administered by experts. The organization has adequate resources to initialize and to ensure progressive implementation of the ideas. The management of the organization should stand as one and embrace similar ideologies to see the firm moves towards where it aims to be (Zervas, Proserpio Byers, 2014). The management is very crucial in any organization since they ensure day to day activities are executed accordingly. For any company to stand Maximum Corporation should be portrayed by all members of the management committee. The research did previously state that 75% of falling organization have been resulted by lack of cooperation between management (Musing Kolar, 2013). The Monet group should first seek to adopt experienced managers who embrace teamwork as the first step. The adoption of information technology (IT) in Monet organization will be based on the web 4.0-level ultra-intelligent electronic portal and an integrated ERP solution. Enterprise Resource Planning is a system which allows an organization manage its operation from a central position based in an office (Wang, Mao He, 2016). The software is designed specially to enable it to manage the activities of business relating to technology, human resources, and services. In the Monet organization, ERP software is intended to integrate the activities concerning product planning, sales, and marketing in a single database, application and user interface (Nicolau Santa-Maria, 2013). Monet Company aims at making all the process of the organization automated. Development of Company Website Information Technology experts will be adopted to create a website for the organization. The website will display the features of the structure, making it attractive to clients. The pictures of the hotels will be posted both outside and inside. The aim of showing the features of the hotel is to attract potential customers (Wang, Mao He, 2016). The website will be available online and freely accessible. The organization will be displayed fully stating the mission, vision and core values. Pictures of the management, employees, and customers will be shown. The design of the website will be meant to attract more clients and making services access convenient. The services offered by the organization will be displayed. The hotels, the booking procedure, and the prices. The site will allow customers to create their accounts, log in, and access the services successfully. Bookings will, therefore, be made online reducing paperwork and time wastage. A wide range of customers will be accessible since the website will be available in all parts of the world. The attractive display of the website will end up attracting a new class of class of customers. To get the travel services, clients will need to log in, place their order concerning their destination and just attend their journeys on the travel day. The hotel bookings will allow customers to choose the hotel of their choice after viewing the available hotels. Since the prices are displayed, the customers will send their funds and allocation of the rooms will be made successfully. The organization should also acquire permit staff to manage the website and carry out the necessary changes. It is because most of the services offered y the Monet group are seasonal, and their prices are variant. Updates need to make incorporated as soon as they arise to curb inconveniences (Gin Choi, Kwon Kim, 2013). The website will ensure customers get services at their convenience and enable the organization plan for the available demands. To increase the convenience customers which will lead to increased customer turn up, the firm should develop an additional mobile application. The application can be prepared by experience and highly experienced IT experts and programmers (Yoon, Kang, Hong Lee, 2013). The management of Monet organization should, therefore, adopt Experienced IT experts who should develop the application (AlBattat Som, 2013). The application should be designed in a way that it allows people to create their accounts and access all available services. The bookings of hotels and travels services should be accessible together with applicable charges. The application should also offer a place for users to pay for the services by loading money. It should embrace the use of mobile banking. The corresponding mobile application should assign tour guides to tourists on an automatic basis. The application should also be available online and freely accessible. Every internet user should have the permission to vi sit the site and download the application. Web 4.0- Level Ultra-Intelligent Electronics For Monet organization to achieve its objectives at a fast rate, the ultra-intelligent electronics should be incorporated. Ultra-intelligent electronic aims at providing competitive advantages to organizations. It creates a level of electronic advice and trust between companies and customers (Madany, Elaziz Elkrim, 2012). Despite the world adopting the technology, relationships remain more relevant. The issues of trust are essential in an organization, trust existing between clients and organization earns the team increased number sales (Verma, Sock McCarthy, 2012). The incorporation of Ultra-intelligent electronics in the Monet group it will place the firm on top of its competitors. To enable a proper flow of services in the company, the ultra-level electronic should be embraced. All issues pertaining the operation of the business will be addressed accordingly and facilitating quick achievement of the objectives. The management should, therefore, adopt the ultra-intelligent electronics in the Monet Company. The information systems (IS) are very crucial towards the realization of the Monet organization customer attraction goal (Zach Erik, 2012). Information systems are efficient in the sector of creating awareness of an existing product amongst users. In most cases, this is achieved through online basis (Lin, Zhao Wei, 2014). Monet Company operating in hospitality industry needs to get customers from all the parts of the world apart from Australia. Therefore the firm needs to go online and create an information system for the customers to get a clear view of the services. It will be achieved through the development of the website and a mobile application. Through information system, customers will be increased, which will need to improve services offered (Wang Chen, 2012). The accrued revenues will increase therefore enhancing the realization of the goals-chances. The improvement of services by application of information systems will increase the convenience of the services to customers. The brand loyalty amongst customers will be developed as a result. The automatic allocation of houses, bookings and personalized tour guides will make Monet services first choice for many travelers and tourists (Madapusi DSouza, 2012). Currently, all firms are operating on the computer due to continuous advancement and growth of technology. The globe is existing as a small market (Myrthianos, 2014). Due to the effects of technology, the business sector has been affected adversely. The number of physical stores is closing day by day and adopting the e-commerce concept (Kong, Cheung Song, 2012). Information technology makes the application of information systems valid. Information systems cannot be into existence without information technology, and the two substantially depend on each other. Monet Company is wishing to increase the number of customers; definitely, they have to embrace information technology. Information technology will facilitate the availability of online platform making services readily available to all customers globally. The IT incorporation is of adverse benefits, and proper application will have benefits to the Monet Company. The services offered by the firm will be available online and bookings of both hotels and travels made possible (Mohebi Farzollahzade, 2014). Widened access will lead to increased customer turn up. The designing of the website needs IT knowledge, and attractive designation of the site showing a clear view of their hotels will make their firm first customer choice. Mechanisms of Attracting New Customers Unhealthy competition in the market may lead to poor performance of firms leading to closure (Hao, Arsiah Awangku, 2107). The hospitality industry is very competitive, and for the company to ensure it is amongst top competitors, it should apply the appropriate mechanism and eliminate on areas of weaknesses. To attract more customers, the Monet Company should go the technology way in all operations. The first step should be the development of a website. The website should be designed in a way that it attracts customers. Clear pictures of the hotels and the surroundings of the Monet hotel should be displayed. The website should be simple and extremely attractive. The company should also develop mobile application also containing all the information and services offered by the firm. The company should also ensure that the website and mobile application are exceptional from that of competitors. Various aspects should be insisted including the usage of the application. The application should be easy and simple to use. It should also guide the user to all services available. Business opportunities should be researched and implemented with the aim of attracting customers (Yen Teng, 2013). Some of the possibilities should be the application of payment channel. The company should link with banks globally and incorporate mobile money transfers services. Services like electronic tour guide should be adopted since they are current opportunities which brings a lot of convenience to customers. Through improvement of areas of weaknesses and implementation of existing opportunities, the Monet Company will be in a position to attract new customers and from its serious competitors. Conclusions For Monet organization to prosper in the hospitality industry, various issues have to be addressed. Firstly, the company should incorporate information system and information technology in its applications. The emerging trend of technology like an integrated ERP solution and ultra-intelligent electronics should be applied in daily operations. The technology should facilitate bookings and payment services. All these issues aim at ensuring that the company operates in modern trends and convenience of customers. As a result, new customers will be attracted who will make sure that the accrued revenue is increased. The Monet organization will, therefore, compete effectively in the industry henceforth facilitating the achievement of goals. To ensure good performance of the Monet Company and existence in future, the following issues should be addressed with immediate effect. The company should initialize a project to establish branches in other parts of the world especially the famous tourist destinations. Necessary adjustments should be made concerning the emerging issues in technological growth. References AlBattat, A. R. S., Som, A. P. M. (2013). Employee dissatisfaction and turnover crises in the Malaysian hospitality industry.International Journal of Business and Management,8(5), 62. Gin Choi, Y., Kwon, J., Kim, W. (2013). 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Monday, December 2, 2019

To what extent does confusion and disguise contribute to dramatic comedy in Twelfth Night free essay sample

To what extent does confusion and disguise contribute to dramatic comedy in Twelfth Night? Twelfth Night in set in an era of dramatic comedy under going changes, certain themes that used to perfectly acceptable although controversial was now seen to be distasteful and often looked down upon, this was due to the emergence(or rather acknowledgment) of two very different types of comedy: old comedy and new comedy, although neither were genre had a very high status in theatre compared to tragedies. Old comedy was used in theatre for a very long time, from the era of Aristophanes right up until Plautus, and included devices such as satire and bawdiness, often old comedy would be quite cruel to political figure or to those of high status whereas in new comedy often it was the complete opposite. New comedy came about in the era of Plautus and was a lot more refined and civilised compared to old comedy using techniques such as witty banter, farce and irony. We will write a custom essay sample on To what extent does confusion and disguise contribute to dramatic comedy in Twelfth Night? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Shakespeare’s comedies combined some elements of old and new comedy yet was still rather sophisticated compared to new comedy playwrights like Plautus and Menander although often his tragedies contained more laughs than his comedies. Dramatic comedy of the time still used devices such as sexism, bawdiness and romance to show the misfortunes of others, but it also incorporated disguise and carnivalesque features. Not all of Shakespeare’s comedies were as classic, relatable comedies as theatre was now more commercial and less community based yet unlike Aristophanes he made the witty banter fun and light and theatre became more refined yet relatable to those attending. Due to this Twelfth NIght contains features from both old and new comedy(cross dressing and disguise as well as light bawdiness) which was quite common for Shakespeare’s plays at the time. Twelfth Night is a good example of a comedy of the time due to its very farce like events and use of confusion. William Shakespeare’s use of love triangle is example of this as well as his use of cross-dressing, creating much confusion. Conceal me what I am For such disguise will haply become the form of my intent’ From this quote much confusion stems and was arguably the crux of all that transpired in Twelfth Night. This is due to the comedic techniques of disguise and confusion which allows for mistaken identities. A mistaken identity often alters the characters view of love, as a members of the same sex will more often than not fall in love: Twelfth Night with Olivia and Viola/Cesario but also in other plays of Shakespeare’s such as The Comedy of Errors; Antipholus of Ephesus/Adriana and Antipholus of Syracuse/Luciana, although this is not the only reason for cross dressing to be present in a Shakespearian play, often it will be featured to raise doubts on status and power for genders within the patriarchal society that Shakespeare lived in, as the women will only find the right solution whilst playing a male showing that males get the outcome they wish while women have to be disguised to get what they desire. Mistaken identity and confusion are often used in Shakespeare’s plays as while the characters are still unravelling the mysteries, the audience know the details that allow understanding; dramatic irony is used to create humour as the audience feel a sense of superiority in knowledge and therefore find amusement in the characters mishaps and antics. While there are many instances of confusion and transvestism in Twelfth Night many of the most memorable and climatic events happen in Act 2 and 5; which see tricks played upon characters and the creation and resolution of love triangles. One such love triangle is that between Orsino, Olivia and Viola which is the cause of much mayhem throughout the play. In act 2 scene 2 Viola says: ‘she mistaken, seems to dote on me’ this creates humour as Viola is seen to be a witty character of intelligence and has deduced the situation she is in(the love triangle), but unwittingly flirted with a female causing Olivia to fall in love Cesario, not her master Orsino which was her intent. The humour comes from the good intentions gaining the wrong reactions as the audience can see the implications that the characters can’t. This contributes to the dramatic comedy in Twelfth Night as the audience knows it is a female in love with a female yet the high class character does not which brings in the satirical element in old comedy. The quote also foreshadows much of the comedic events to come; ‘mistaken dote’ this encapsulates the play as from this point on many characters fall in love with the wrong people. Viola creates humour in Act 2 scene 4 as she finds herself in much the same position as Olivia, where she is experiencing unrequited love only centered around Orsino; ‘As it might be perhaps, were I a woman I should your lordship’ . This creates humour here as Viola is hinting that she is a woman yet is ignored, the fact that if Orsino had of been as wise as his servant and realised her gender and love must would of been prevented; the inversion of wit creates humour as the high class(Orsino) is oblivious to the matter and his servant(Viola) is more intelligent which in turn makes the audience laugh at Orsino’s views on love. This quote is relevant at the end of Twelfth Night when the twins are revealed Orsino sees Viola for a woman which allows his revelation that she in fact loves him as a man which is comedic as the audience knew this in act 2 yet he only realised at the end, again mocking his intelligence. Act 5 is the climax of all confusion in the play but like all Shakespeare’s romantic comedies there ultimately is a happy ending. Act 5 sees Orsino travel to Olivia’s household whilst there he and his men are accosted by Antonio’s accusations of Cesario(Viola) whom he assumes to be Sebastian which is then heightened by Olivia’s confusion between the twins believing she is married to Cesario, angering Orsino from the betrayal of Viola, then to add more tension and folly Sir Toby accuses Cesario of beating him. This is undoubtably the height of all confusion and the most comedic yet tense scene and the audience find humour in the climax as well as the resolution which comes in the form of Sebastian appearing and clearing up the misconceptions. Confusion and disguise are imperative to the comedic effects in Twelfth Night as they set the basis for the entire play, they also allow for techniques such as inversion to happen as well and relief theory and superiority theory to takes place. Shakespeare’s humour in Twelfth Night is often from mistaken identities which is a key factor in confusion, throughout the play there are at least 5 instances of mistaken identity which create humour due to the fact that they are speaking to the wrong twin or that they are in love with the wrong person. The beginning quote still offers the play in a nutshell as disguise helps everyone fall in love with the right person which is Shakespeare’s intent as he believes in happy endings.